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Frequently Asked Questions
Is Birubi Australia an Aboriginal owned business?

Yes, we are Aboriginal owned and a Supply Nation certified company.
Does Birubi Australia have a third-party accredited management system?
Yes, our management system is third-party certified to ISO 9001 Quality, ISO 14001 Environmental, and ISO 45001 Work Health & Safety. Certificates are available upon request.
Does Birubi Australia hold Federal Safety Certification?
What regions can Birubi Australia perform work in?
We are positioned best to complete work in the Adelaide Metro and Mid-North regions.
Is Birubi Australia pre-qualified for any departments or panels?
Yes, we are prequalified with DIT and registered with several government panels including SA Water, Housing SA and PIRSA.
I need to speak with someone at Birubi Australia, who can I contact?
Please direct all enquiries to, or use the contact page on our website.
Please allow two business days for us to get back to you.
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