Indigenous Participation
We're the real deal.
Our commitment to creating economic independence for Indigenous communities and individuals is achieved through proactively recruiting, training and employing Aboriginal team members wherever we deliver projects along with supporting local Aboriginal owned busineses to engage with our procurement processes.
Our commitment to Aboriginal employment.
We genuinely and successfully achieve high local Aboriginal participation on the projects that we deliver. We direct employ our staff and upskill at every opportunity. Every project we deliver provides local Aboriginal employment – in many cases we achieve up to 85%. Birubi promotes workplace participation and career development through mentoring, role modelling, troubleshooting barriers to full engagement, tailored training support and our commitment to identify and support a career pathway for each of our team members. We achieve our great community outcomes through community networks engaging with Aboriginal workers, upskilling and training our team of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal workers to achieve an enthusiastic, multi skilled workforce, committed to safety and excellence and with a professional approach to their role on the project.
Supporting the growth of Aboriginal businesses.
At Birubi we actively seek to procure services and products from Aboriginal enterprises and include them within our supply chain whenever possible. Sourcing suppliers and getting the information out is one part of the process, however supporting smaller businesses to complete and lodge a subcontract bid is just as important. We use clear and simple language in our documents and request only the pertinent information and supporting documentation in our processes. We are mindful of not placing an unfair burden on the business and owner in securing work and engaging in the process whilst continuing to maintain a conforming subcontractor management process.
Value adding to local community participation.
Identify: we identify the needs of local Aboriginal business owners and provide facilitated business development advice on request where appropriate
Build: we build on our local relationships to provide practical support for Aboriginal youth in schools to aid retention and completion by providing sporting equipment, school materials and other products via our network of corporate partners.
Assist: we assist local Aboriginal representative groups with proposals and grant applications where possible Birubi Australia is certified with Supply Nation (a not-for-profit established in 2009 to encourage the growth of Indigenous businesses by advocating for strong Federal government Indigenous procurement policies and linking organisations with certified Indigenous suppliers).